Experience the Art of Chinese Incense and Tea: Exclusive Custom Courses

Light the incense, brew the tea, hang the paintings, and insert flowers. These four leisurely tasks shouldn’t tire anyone.” – “Meng Liang Lu”

In response to the keen interest of our tea friends, we have launched a custom incense & tea ceremony VIP course, providing you with exclusive one-on-one or one-to-two teaching.

Course highlights:

Introduction to incense: Discover the charm of traditional Chinese incense culture

Introduction to incense tools: Understand the names, usage, and precautions of tools 

Steps and process of incense seals: Learn skills such as ash arrangement, ash pressing, seal placement, powder filling, seal extraction, and incense burning 

Incense burning and tea tasting: Taste JY House’s specially selected tea, and experience professional tea brewing and tasting process.

Course reservation: Please book the course 48 hours in advance

Course seats: The course is held in a VIP format, each session limited to 1-2 students

Price: £98/pp

Everyone is welcome to sign up enthusiastically! Come and experience the charm of the custom incense  experience in our London teahouse.